
Book and cover design:
Page Godwin


Rex Allen loves star quality in women. He moves into a new house in a heat wave with few possessions apart from two photographs of his dead daughter. His next door neighbour, beautiful Evangeline Glass invites him to one of her many summer parties, where he meets her friends and possessive husband Harry. Rex feels he knows Evangeline intimately. He starts to spy on her and becomes convinced she is someone other than who she pretends to be. When he discovers she has a lover, he blackmails her into playing a game of identity that ends in disaster.

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Book and cover design:
Page Godwin


Something dark is preying on the glitz of the glamour set.  Chief Inspector Jackson Flare and his partner Inspector Mandy Steele investigate a series of bizarre killings targeting the wealthy and glamorous.  The killer in Mr. Glamour knows all about design and what brands mean to his victims.  As the police try to catch a predator who has climbed into their heads, they find themselves up against a wall of secrecy.  The investigation drives Flare and Steel—who are themselves harbouring secrets—to acts of darkness.  And the killer is watching everyone, from the rich businessmen to their beautiful wives.  Who is Mr. Glamour?  This novel will keep you guessing until the unforeseeable end.

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Detective Chief Inspector Frank Castle never caught the Woodlands Killer and it almost destroyed him. Now many years later and still suffering from nightmares, he is faced with a copycat killer with detailed inside knowledge of the original case. Someone is crucifying politicians, and Castle and his partner DI Jacki Stone enter a labyrinth. At its centre is the man Castle believes was responsible for the first killings. He’s running a sinister cult and playing mind games with the police. And the ritualistic killer keeps raising the stakes and slipping through their hands. The body count is rising. Castle employs a brilliant psychologist to help him solve the case, and he begins to dig into the killer’s psyche. But some psychopaths are cleverer than others.

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(‘A Romlás Labirintusa’ is ‘Apostle Rising’ published in Hungarian by Alexandra Publishing, December 2013)

“Hirtelen ismét megjelent az alak. Csak állt és várt. Castle újra üldözőbe vette.
Az alak megfordult és irányt váltott, de Castle a sarkában volt, még a szagát is érezte.
Emlékezett a frissen sült kenyér illatára, arra, ahogy a konyhai asztalnál ült gyerekkorában. Az illat savanykásabb lett, a penészes rothadás, az elmúlás szagára váltott.
Amint ismét előrenyúlt, hogy megragadja, az ösvény megváltozott, és ő a sötétség közepén találta magát.”

Frank Castle főfelügyelőt még mindig kísérti egy huszonnyolc évvel korábban elkövetett brutális sorozatgyilkosság emléke. Akkor a nyomozás kudarcba fulladt, ami romboló hatással volt a karrierjére és magánéletére egyaránt. Újabb sorozatgyilkos kezdi el szedni áldozatait a régi esetekkel azonos módon, és Castle partnerével, Jacki Stone felügyelőnővel beleveti magát az ügy felgöngyölítésébe.
Együtt lépnek be abba a halálos labirintusba, amelynek középpontjában egy vészjósló ember áll – Castle szerint ő az eredeti gyilkosságok elkövetője. A férfi egy vallási szekta vezetője, és sötét játékot űz a rendőrséggel. A gyilkos közben politikusokat feszít keresztre, tökéletes precizitással darabolja fel áldozatait, és rejtett üzeneteket hagy a helyszíneken.
Vajon létezik-e kiút az újabb gyilkosságok és gyilkosok uralta világ, a bizonyosságok és mellékvágányok, múlt és jelen összefüggéseinek útvesztőjéből?

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(‘L’Apostolo’ is ‘Apostle Rising’ published in Italy by Lite-Editions, June 2014)

C’era una volta a Londra uno spietato serial killer. Trucidava le sue vittime e le abbandonava nei boschi vicino alla città. L’ispettore Frank Castle non riuscì mai a catturarlo, una macchia indelebile per la sua carriera. L’opinione pubblica lo sbranò, lui cadde in una profonda crisi dalla quale, con molta fatica, è riuscito a venire fuori.C’era una volta a Londra un serial killer. E c’è ancora oggi; sono passati quasi trent’anni e l’assassino sembra tornato: ma è lui o un suo emulo? Gli omicidi sono sempre più efferati, un’apoteosi di violenza che coinvolge prostitute e politici. Le vittime vengono mutilate in modi via via più orrendi e sulla scena dei delitti compaiono oscure frasi e simboli religiosi.Il destino ha offerto una possibilità di riscatto all’ispettore Castle che, con l’aiuto della sua assistente Jacki Stone, dell’équipe della Scientifica e di un profiler di prim’ordine, tenterà di chiudere quel cerchio aperto ventotto anni fa, e di liberarsi finalmente dalle ossessioni che gli hanno condizionato la vita per tutto questo tempo. A ogni costo.L’apostolo è un thriller mozzafiato, un police procedural che trascina il lettore in un lungo viaggio dentro la psiche distorta del crimine, faccia a faccia con la radice stessa del Male.

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Novelette ‘Paranoia And The Destiny Programme’ published by Black Jackal Books Ltd

‘I see no butterfly wings in the Rorschach test, but a mountain of bones.’ So says Dale Helix, who is convinced he is being abducted by a shadowy group of rulers called The Assembly. He claims they have programmed him to kill. International novelist Richard Godwin’s latest title is set in a dystopian city, and is an exploration of totalitarianism, paranoia and social engineering in a society where it is impossible to gauge the truth. The aim of the programme is to study the link between serial killers and dictators in order to clone the ideal dictator. And the Assembly are engineering a new gender. Is Dale insane or is his paranoia a key to a hidden truth?

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Novel ‘Confessions Of A Hit Man’ published by Meme Publishers

‘Confessions of a Hit Man’ is a high octane thriller with a plot that adds velocity like a well-oiled chicane. When ex-Royal Marine Jack becomes a paid assassin, work comes easily, especially when working for the Sicilian Mafia, until he gets drawn into a government plot selling enriched plutonium to a rogue Nation.

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Short Novel ‘Meaningful Conversations’ published by Noir Nation

‘Meaningful Conversations’ is a hybrid Noir novel that tackles the modern world and its most tabooed addictions and mythologies. Its protagonist, cellist Bertrand Mavers, is the best adjusted serial killer you will ever meet. His therapist, Otto Wall, calls him the sanest man he knows. What he actually is will surprise and astonish you.

Read a review here.

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Novella ‘Noir City’ published by Atlantis eBooks, a division of Lite Editions

Dangerous, blonde Gigolo, Paris Tongue, uses his looks to seduce beautiful and wealthy women and introduce them to the Secret Hour, that hidden time when they can escape their lives. Using his inheritance to travel, he penetrates the erotic essence of different cities, from London, to Paris, Rome, Madrid and Dusseldorf. But his sexual escapades begin to catch up with him. When he sleeps with the wife of a Mafia Boss he is hunted across Europe by hit men.

Read a review here.

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‘Last Train From Desprit’

Short story ‘Last Train From Desprit’ published in the anthology ‘The Mammoth Book of Best British Crime 10

A story about a man who just can’t get away from his past.

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‘Rothko’s Daughter’

Short story ‘Rothko’s Daughter’ published in the anthology ‘Noir Riot: Presented by NoirCon and Out of the Gutter (Volume 1)
A Noir story about identity and art theft.

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Short story ‘Fireflies’ published in the anthology ‘Atomic Noir
A Noir story set in the post Atomic Era about a man who has been labelled a killer and refuses to see who he is.

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‘Tattooed Highway’

Short story ‘Tattooed Highway’ published in the anthology ‘Noir Nation: International Crime Fiction No. 3

A hitchhiker runs across the myth of a killer.

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‘Filthy Cute’

Short story, ‘Filthy Cute’, published in the anthology ‘Pulp Modern: Issue Seven (Volume 1)

Art theft, an obsession with Prince, a man in tight shorts and an ex-stripper all collide in a Noir story of greed and manipulation.

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Pulp Modern Issue III
‘Killing Sandy’

Short story, ‘Killing Sandy’, published in the anthology ‘Pulp Modern Issue Three’, is about a chance encounter with the past and a man who has changed his identity.

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‘Falling Through The Hourglass’

Short story, ‘Falling Through The Hourglass’, published in the anthology ‘ Exiles: An Outsider Anthology

A story about a hitchhiker and alienation.

Find out what is behind this story here.

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Short story, ‘Porcupines’, published in the anthology ‘Twelve Mad Men

He knows they are altering gender, he talks to porcupines.

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‘Violets and Furs’

Short story ‘Violets and Furs’ published in the anthology ‘Weird Noir

There’s something unusual about Joe, as Barbara Dauphin knows.

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‘Donald Duck And The Avian Snitch’

Short story ‘Donald Duck And The Avian Snitch’, published in the anthology ‘All Due Respect: The Anthology (Volume 1)’.

“A thief is convinced his woman is harbouring one of their pet birds up her bum. Yep, you read that right. Their birds keep disappearing and he’s convinced they’re hiding out in the most unlikely of places. Ultimately, it’s a heartwarming story of adultery, blackmail, and parrots that can’t keep their beaks closed. Maybe heartwarming isn’t quite accurate, but it’s one of the most darkly funny stories in the book…” Read more of this review at

Read another review here by Robert Helfst.

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‘The Best of Every Day Poets Two’

The Best of Every Day Poets Two brings together one hundred short poems selected from Every Day Poets’ second year of publication. This book unites a worldwide array of poets writing from a broad gamut of experience and perception, and represents the cream of a year’s journey through poetry of every form and flavour.

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Short story ‘Blackout’ published in the anthology ‘Nightfalls: Notes form the end of the World
Two men argue in an abandoned building as the world ends.

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‘Web Cam’

Short story, ‘Web Cam’, published in the anthology ‘Pulp Ink 2’. The insects were taking over online pornography and running the vending machines.

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Dreams of Duality

Short story, ‘Dog’, published in the anthology ‘Dreams of Duality‘, spine-tingling tales of dark fiction concerning the other self, the splintered consciousness, and strange paradoxical realms.

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The Big Book of Bizarro
‘Pomegranate Moth’

Short story, ‘Pomegranate Moth’, the strange surrealism of mixing moths and pomegranates. Published in the anthology ‘The Big Book of Bizarro

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Lyrotica: An Anthology of Erotic Poetry and Prose
‘Blazing Aphrodite’

Short story, ‘Blazing Aphrodite’, a passionate physical encounter on the Mediterranean coast. Published in the anthology ‘Lyrotica: An Anthology of Erotic Poetry and Prose

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Needle Mag Winter 2010
‘Pike N Flytrap’

‘Pike N Flytrap’ is a story of what happens at the end of the road. Published in the anthology ‘Needle Mag of Noir Winter 2010 Issue

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Tainted Tea Winter 2011

‘Mother’ is a story of the dark side of nurturing. Published in the anthology ‘Tainted Tea Winter 2011

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Face Off
‘Face Off’

‘Face Off’ is a story about what happens when you cut people out of a deal. Published in the anthology ‘Crime Factory Issue #5

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‘Doll’ is the tale of a man who knows too much about others and finds himself in a hall of mirrors. Published in the anthology “Howl

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Back In 5 Minutes

‘Chemical’ is a story of the surrealism of a murderess’s mind and the prison she already inhabits. Published in the anthology “Back In 5 Minutes

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